A special opportunity for Central Ohio high school students to earn service hours
Earn Service Hours this Summer!
This program is only available in Central Ohio for 2022
Building a New Generation of Civic Leaders
Join a passionate group of high-school students as they collaborate with Kids Voting Ohio to create and implement civic projects that will bring change to their communities.
Program Goals
Empower students to take initiative and be civic catalysts in their schools and local communities.
Enable students to be leaders and vocal advocates for their peers.
Strengthen project planning and networking skills.
May 24th: Program information session - view the recording
June - July: Planning Phase - biweekly, in-person sessions
2022-23 School Year: Project implementation
A detailed timeline and program description is provided below
Have Questions? Visit our FAQ or contact us at matina@kidsvotingohio.org
Program Overview & Details
Summer program for high-school students to engage them in the civic space. KVO will host workshops in local libraries to facilitate opportunities, provide resources, and conduct brainstorming sessions. Students will then propose a project they would like to lead that KVO will help support.
Participating in this program is completely free and open to all Ohio high school students, grades 9-12.
Summer 2022 (May- July)
Project Information session
Host Student Workshops in Columbus Area
Students brainstorm and select project they want to lead
Students create an outline and plan next steps for their selected projects
2022-2023 School Year
Project Implementation Phase
Implementation will match the pacing of the project
KVO will conduct periodic check-ins with students to keep track and support progress
May 24th Information Session at 5:30 pm
Missed the session? View the recording and presentation here.
If you have questions or would like to discuss the program with us, please contact matina@kidsvotingohio.org
Bi-weekly sessions at local libraries during June and July of 2022. Each session will be approximately 2 hours. Most sessions will be centered around brainstorming ideas for the projects and planning out next potential steps. KVO will support and facilitate as per student’s needs.
Session 1: June 14, 4-6pm, Columbus Metropolitan Library - South High Branch
Civic Discussions + Brainstorming Student Projects + Determine Individual Project Goals
Session 2: June 28, 4:30-6:30pm, Columbus Metropolitan Library - Linden Branch
Lesson on How to Build a Budget + Begin Project Planning + Advising from Community Leaders
Session 3: July 12, 4-6pm, Columbus Metropolitan Library - South High Branch
Lesson on Public Speaking + Continue Project Planning + Advising from Community Leaders
Session 4: July 26, 4:30-6:3pm, Columbus Metropolitan Library - Martin Luther King Branch
Lesson on Networking + Elevator Pitches to the Group + Determine Next Steps for Implementation
Gubernatorial Town Hall
Help organize a gubernatorial town hall with KVO & the Childhood Defense Fund of Ohio (early Fall of 2022)
Serve in an organizing leadership role, turnout students to the event, or determine topics and questions for discussion
Partake in an advisory board and help create a youth agenda for the candidates.
Voter Registration Drives
Students will host a voter registration drive at their school
Students will participate in educational sessions and discussion activities
Community/Issue Based Campaigns
Students submit proposal for a community or issue campaign they are passionate about
If outside the scope of KVO’s limits, we will work with students to connect with the right organization/government entity.
Government Day
Students will work with KVO to bring in various speakers (government officials, community leaders, activists, etc)
Plan and set up civic activities for school students to participate in.
Mock Elections
Students will work with KVO to conduct a mock election at their school
This could be for an actual Ohio election or for a school-wide student election
Potentially work with County BOEs to bring in Voting Machines
Program Information session
Zoom Meeting on May 24th at 5:30pm
Missed the session?
Download the presentation and view the recording of the meeting.
Want to meet with us directly?
please email matina@kidsvotingohio.org
Download the presentation here
Download the program flyer
Q & A
Q: How do I sign up?
A: To participate in the program, please fill out this form.
Q: Are there any requirements to participate?
A: You must be an Ohio high school student (going into grades 9-12).
Q: Is the program free?
A: Yes! Kids Voting Ohio will also cover the cost of your project
Q: How do I earn service hours?
A: You will earn two service hours for each of the scheduled summer sessions you will attend (maximum of 8 hours). You will earn additional hours for the implementation of your program (estimated 2-12+ hours, dependent on project).
Q: Can I still participate if I can’t attend all the sessions?
A: Yes, but we recommend students only participate if they can attend AT LEAST two of the four session.
Q: I missed the information session, can I still participate?
A: Absolutely! The information session was recorded, and you are able to view it at any time. We are also happy to meet or speak with you directly if you have questions about the program or are interested in learning more info.
Q: What are the benefits of participating?
A: There are many benefits to participating in the Civic Leaders Summer Program. You will meet peers with similar interests, learn valuable leadership skills like networking, public speaking and building a budget, earn community service hours, and have the opportunity to conduct a school/community wide project of your choosing at no cost (which will also look great on a college resume).